Chinese driving license can be used in Sweden for 1 year.

While you have to change it into Sweden license, in case of you have Permanent Residence Permit.

Speed Limits in Sweden

Speed signs in Sweden are round and yellow, with a red outline. The speed limit for city areas is 31 mph (50 kph). On open country roads, it is 55 mph (90kph) and on highways 68 mph (110kph).

Swedish Safety Regulations

Seat belts are required, and the same goes for your headlights. Lights must be on at all times. Snow tires are required from December until March.

Alcohol While Driving in Sweden

Sweden is VERY strict when it comes to drunk driving. Police can require a breathalyzer test without reason, and if it's over 0.2 promille, there will be a high fines and/or jail sentence.

Renting a Car in Sweden

Renting a car in Sweden is easy, but note that the minimum age for renters is 20. The car rental agency will want to see your passport and foreign driver's license, at the very least. Click to compare current rates and details.

Documents for Driving in Sweden

To drive legally in Sweden, you will need your driving licence, your passport, and the car's insurance certificate and registration.

Emergency Assistance on the Road

In emergencies, you can reach the Police, local fire department, and ambulance by calling "112" nationwide in Sweden.